Saturday, 25 April 2015

USS New Ride 2016/2017

Even though Puss in Boots’ Giant Journey just opened in USS this month, there is no doubt that the USS team is already working on its next big thing. With a shortage of available land, the next attraction is likely to be very compact. Nonetheless, I can assure you that USS has reserved land for at least 2 more new attractions.

Puss in Boots' Giant Journey is the most recent new ride of USS. It opened in April 2015

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Royal Caribbean vs Star Cruises

These are the 2 major cruise lines with operations in Singapore. Star Cruises brands itself as Asia’s leading cruise line and offers world class casinos and a wide variety of dining options. Royal Caribbean, on the other hand, is famous for having the largest cruise ships in the world. Before I begin, let me stress that the comparison will focus on Mariner of the Seas and Superstar Virgo because these 2 ships visit Singapore most often.

Star Cruises vs Royal Caribbean Best Cruise Line

Friday, 10 April 2015

Puss in Boots’ Giant Journey: USS new Roller Coaster

Puss in Boots’ Giant Journey opened last Wednesday, 8 April, as the sixth roller coaster in Universal Studios Singapore (USS). In true Universal style, this new ride has good landscaping and a distinct storyline. As a guest, you are enrolled by Puss and Kitty to search for hidden treasurers, while evading, of all things, a giant duck!!??

Puss in Boots' Giant Journey Entrance
Puss in Boots' Giant Journey is the newest addition to Universal Studios Singapore!